Hope House is about relationships. There’s no hiding it or soft selling. Connecting you to Hope and faith in Jesus Christ is why we are here. Everyone is precious to God no matter who they are or what has happened in their lives. The simple truth is life begins when we meet Jesus and discover who he really is. That’s why we describe our vision this way, connecting real people to a real God in real life. Don’t expect us to look or sound religious. We are real people living real lives just like you and that’s not always straight forward. The amazing thing is that God is real too and loves to connect with us. We hope that this page will help you to see how you might get connected. What do we believe? That people need to connect to God through Jesus and to be filled with His Holy Spirit. We call that becoming a Christian and its so much more than just going to church. Below is a prayer you can say to help you make that connection.
You can use this prayer to connect to Jesus right now and then call us to help you discover more.
Lord Jesus, I know I have done things wrong in my thoughts, words and actions. There are so many good things I have not done. There are so many wrong things I have done. I am sorry for those wrong things and turn from everything I know to be bad. You gave your life for me on a cross. Gratefully I give my life back to you. Now I ask you to come into my life. Come in as my Saviour to clean me. Come in as my Lord to lead me. I will serve you all the remaining days of my life.